Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Information

What's up guys? Belle here, and I need to talk to you about the holidays. Starting December 21, I have 17 days off, including the weekends. So, from December 21-January 4, I have off, plus the 5th and 6th because those are weekends. I'm not bragging, i just want to let you know. School will put my videos to a stand still until then. But the weekends are dedicated to you guys! This coming Sunday, though.. I don't know how many videos I will be able to make and/or upload. I have a video on it. The link will be down below. Anyways, I have videos that I STILL need to upload. My Christmas Countdown has not been posted because I deleted two videos because I didn't really like them, and the one I still need to upload is in so many parts! I spent half an hour on Thursday to delete any unwanted pictures and/or videos. So, that's why I didn't upload anything then... 

More videos to come!!! Bye!!!

Oh, yeah, here's the link to the Sunday video:

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