Sunday, December 9, 2012



 Here's GOTY Saige. The doll that will remove McKenna from her place. But, AG YOU CAN'T REPLACE MCKENNA!!!! EVERYONE LOVES HER AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ANOTHER DOLL THAT CAN REPLACE HER!!!!!!!! That's how mad I am that McKenna is leaving. I love Lanie, Kanani and McKenna. Here's my opinion on Saige.

  I got into AG when I was eight so 2009. I found out about Mia and Nikki and fell instantly in love with the both of them! Then in 2010, I found out that Felicity was being retired. I wasn't really upset, I didn't really like her. But then December crept closer. I started to like Felicity. Then she retired. I was so upset! Over the years, I grew out of her again, only to love her once again! I missed out on Mia, Nikki AND Felicity. I won't miss out on this girl! I love her curly red hair, and with the practice on Lanie, I think I can handle it! Her eyes are like Caroline's, I will post my opinion on her as well. I will DEFINITELY be purchasing her, maybe in February.

Her full name: Saige Chloe ____________, I'll know her last name soon enough!

Her personality: Shy, quiet, a nature and pet lover, like my Kanani and Lanie mixed together!

What do you think of her? I don't blame you for not liking her, I just don't have a doll like her. It depends on what dolls you have=)

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