Thursday, February 7, 2013

Absent and Tecnology

Belle in the house! Well, in the blog...... lol. ANYWHO, I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry about not uploading SQUAT in TWO WEEKS!!!! I'm especially sorry to my non subscribers that un-subbed me because of this. It's not my fault guys! Here's the story:

So, my mom and I share a computer. It was a Windows 8, and never worked the best when my parents first got it. Well, lately it was overheating a TON and worked so slow. Most of the time, we never had sound! Sooo, my dad bought a NEW one. A Samsung Notebook I believe. It came Wednesday (yesterday) and we set it up. It works like a beauty, and is so fast. The problem: I can't download a editing system! My Father says that a virus protector-thing is supposed to come soon. Until then, I can't download a editing system or upload anything SQUAT! Squat, funny word. Squat. Squat. SQUAT....... he he..... LOL...

I'm really sorry guys. I promise, the moment I can download a editing system, I will upload a video! If you guys could just be patient with me! And please stay subscribed, I work EXTREMELY hard on my videos- especially my stop motions.

Thanks for understanding

Belle <3